This is My Current GPS Position:
Latitude: 50.251945
Longitude: 4.431883
The rain stoped yesterday morning enough for us to make coffee and pack the tent. Mananged to keep ahead of the rain most of the day but by the time we got to Walcot it caught us up. Took shelter in bar and had a coffee found hotel with fantastic view of church at 55euro a night it blew the daily budget but it had free wifi and breakfast. As soon as i started to make geo tagged photo map it went down and has been intermittent ever since. So map still comming. A good few photos didnt geotag correctly im unsure why job for another day with stable connection. Just had breakfast and checked todays ride plan looks like a senic jaunt across the hills. Nothing to extreme just a fair amount of up and down. Heres a pic from the hotel more of a guest house really but beautiful all the same.
Location : Address not available
I bet that cooked breakfast tasted real good after all that pedalling!