The roads seem insane cycle paths like the surface of the moon if im lucky enought to find them. I now changing the route to follow cyclopista del sole and hope to find better cycling conditions. Hd freind make route on bikeroutetoaster and send as attchment but the gmail client on my xperia dont seem to have dl the end buddie over at hosted gpx file and i downloaded it only to find laptop flat or broken. To add to that the ortlieb sleeping mat has a leak even tho i was careful with it so much for punctureproof and a tic has been living with me for about four days biting me on both ankles. Just noticed scabs on ankles last night and tic 4-5 scabs so i guess hes been well fed while visiting me. Suns out and warm (^-^)
Location : Strada Pedemontana, 41049 Sassuolo Modena,
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